Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Despite ongoing problems with chronic procrastination, I managed to add to my books available on Amazon, though I successfully procrastinated about writing about  them here for quite some time.

Horses Of The Sun   has been out a bit over a month and is plodding along in 'a few sales a day' position - ranking between 5,200 (on its best day) and 12,000... that doesn't sound all that great, but then I consider that it means about 950,000 books aren't doing as well, so maybe it isn't so bad.

 My new book, Flame The Fire Horse and Other Horse Stories came out last week, but I haven't done anything about promoting it yet apart from put it up for two days of the free promotion that Amazon offer (hmm, seems strange, giving your book away for free, but I guess the idea is that - if it is good enough - it will generate some good reviews and people will recommend it to others).  I first wrote Flame about 25 years ago when it ran as a serial in The Horse Magazine (one of Australia's leading horse magazines then and now), and I revamped it for Kindle. It's also currently running in Western Horse On-Line a brilliant, free western horse magazine produced in Australia. Flame is a fictional story about a legendary outback stallion, and there are also four true stories about horses I've known.

For the troubled teens and tweens of this world, there's a nice little book of advice dealing with some of the problems they most commonly ask about You Look Worried  - it's not the guaranteed fix-it for all their problems, but it will give them some sound advice on a huge range of things that worry them, from self esteem, weight, bullying, sexual concerns and other things. It's only 99c because I can't make it any cheaper - this book is really about helping kids, not making money (don't worry, I only get 30c a copy and it has hardly sold any copies, so I'm not going to make money from it). Four teens, so far, have actually gone to the effort of emailing me to say that it has really helped them, so that is worth more than money (but how can they write an email but not give it a review and a good star rating? *shrug*

Now I'm trying to get the second in the series of The Outback Riders completed. Horses Of The Sun was the introduction to the series. Horses Of The Light is the second book, about the four young people looking for the Min Min lights which appeared in the first book.

But I'll do something about that later.

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